Saturday, November 27, 2010

I LOVE Pumpkin!!

Warning! This recipe is not low in calories!

Every Thanksgiving I try to make a new recipe with pumpkin, because I looooove pumpkin! I am the wacko who waits all year till the yogurt shops start having pumpkin, the one who waits all year till I can get a pumpkin spice latte, and the nut who buys a pumpkin to roast in the oven and eat instead of carve and put on their doorstep. So, all year I look for new and different things to make with pumpkin! It also, oddly enough, is the only time of year that I am willing to bake over cook.

This year, one of my customers told me about this cake that Paula Deen makes called Gooey Butter Cake. I guess the original version is a yellow cake with a gooey center, but when I researched it, I found that she has a Pumpkin Gooey Butter Cake!!

Mixing the Crust

I expected it to look more like packaged cake mix usually looks when you mix it, but it became more of a dough!

After the "dough" was pressed into the bottom of the baking dish

Mixing the Pumpkin Gooey Part

Baking Finished, was a little worried about how long to bake because she says, "40-50 minutes" and like I said, I am not a professional baker so I was unsure. I baked for 48 minutes, I think I should have taken it out 8 minutes earlier. I was worried though...there is always next time.

Finished Product! I made some homemade whipped cream (can not stand the kind in the can) and garnished with a little nutmeg

All in all, it turned out great, but unfortunately this is not the kind of eye appealing dessert that people are dying to try, you really need to plate it. Besides that it is really simple to make, and Paula lists other variations on the recipes so even if you don't like pumpkin, you will be able to find a version you like!

What is your favorite pumpkin dessert? What is your favorite Thanksgiving dessert?

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