Thursday, March 3, 2011

Restaurant Review: Tiburon

For my mom's birthday all she wanted was to take the whole fam on a trip to Utah skiing. Best birthday gift to be a part of because we all had a fab time and laughed the entire time. I read something once that said that laughing does all kinds of wonderful things for your health. If that is true, we all came back a LOT healthier!

Another benefit to skiing is that by using one of the largest muscle groups in your body, your legs, you burn a ton of calories. The week before we left I was feeling like a blob and hadn't been feeling 100% so I wasn't able to workout like I normally do, but I was so happy to get moving again and get those endorphins going!

The second night we were there, after a long day on the mountain, we went to Tiburon and had a great meal. The restaurant is so cozy and feels like you are at someone's home in the middle of the woods. It is small and we sat in a small room that felt really private. It was a very relaxing end to the day and the food was excellent!

Do you have a favorite restaurant in Salt Lake? We are planning on making this an annual trip!

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